пятница, 18 декабря 2020 г.



Here's your task about the project.

Т.к. я не успела объяснить на уроке , что от тебя требуется, на всякий случай напишу описание на русском. Это проектная работа. Формат ее віполнения пока вольный. Это может быть:

1 слайд презентация

2 формат презентации по типу реферата, на листах А4

3 видео ролик с твоей начиткой

Тебе нужно использовать минимум три источника информации, которую ты посчитаешь нужной/интересной по заданной теме. Предлагаю взять тему про пчёл т.к. мы уже начали про них читать. 

Итак. Тема 

The Disappearing Honeybee

На первой странице тебе нужно найти определение для

Endangered species

Воспользуйся сайтом

Но тебе нужно не просто переписать определение, а ввести это своими словами. 

Например "В этом проекте я хочу рассказать о медовых пчёлах, которые оказались под угрозой вымирания (исчезают). Т.е. мы можем их отнести к

Endangered species. Вот такое определения дает нам википедия... и дальше цитируешь из википедии) Ну и конечно всё пишешь на ангийском ;)

Для красоты и наглядности можешь вставить фото пчел:)🐝

На второй страничке

тебе нужно представить интересную информацию из другого источника. К примеру о пользе пчёл. Не забывай ссылаться на источник. In the article published on the site (give the name of the site e.g.www.englishclub.com) I read that.......

На третьей страничке немного информации о том, какие проблемы возникнут без пчёл . И это должен быть уже третий источник информации . Пусть это будет информация из видео.

И последняя. Четвертая страничка. Что бы ты мог предложить,в качестве решения этой проблемы. Одно или два предложения. 

Эту работы можно делать дольше, чем просто за выходные, но к понедельнику покажи, что уже успел сделать 

Вот ссылки на информацию. которая тебе может пригодиться





понедельник, 14 декабря 2020 г.

воскресенье, 13 декабря 2020 г.


Be the voice of the following video  😉
Comment everything you see on the screen as if you are telling this story on the radio. So that everything would be clear without watching the video. Record your voice & send me the audio 


воскресенье, 6 декабря 2020 г.

среда, 2 декабря 2020 г.






Part 2 (15 minutes)

Maximum points – 5


There are five gaps in the text below. Read it and decide which sentence A–E best fitseach gap 1–5 in the text.

  1. I spent two years in the pirate captain’s house.
  2. I still wanted to be a sailor.
  3. There I met a boy whom I knew.
  4. At first everything went well.
  5. Our ship struggled with the waves for a long time.

Robinson Crusoe

My name is Robinson Crusoe and I was born in the city of York. I always wanted to go to sea. One day, when I was eighteen years old, I went to Hull. (1)______ The boy’s father was the captain of a ship. That boy said to me, ‘Rob, do you want to sail on our ship? We start to London today.’

I was very glad, of course, and agreed at once.

In the open sea we were caught in a terrible storm. (2)_______ Finally it went to the bottom and we were all thrown into the sea. A ship which was passing by sent a boat and saved us. In the morning we reached the shore.

I was very young then and soon forgot the terrible storm. (3)______ I went to London. There I met the captain of a ship that was going to Africa. The captain was a very nice gentleman. We liked each other and soon became friends. The captain invited me to sail to Africa with him. Of course, I agreed with pleasure.

The voyage to Africa was successful. But when we came back to England, the captain died, and I had to go on my second voyage to Africa without my friend.

(4)______ The weather was fine and the sea was calm. But not far from the shores of Africa we met a ship with a black flag. It was a pirate ship, and the pirates attacked us. Our sailors fought bravely, but the pirates were stronger. Some of our men were killed, and the others were taken prisoner. When the pirate ship came to the port, the captain took me to his house and made me his slave.

(5)______ I had to work in the house and in the yard with the other slaves. It was quite impossible to run away.


Part 3 (30 minutes)

Maximum points – 32

Use of English

Task 1

Read the article about basketball. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space. For questions 1–8, mark A, B or C on your answer sheet. The first one is done for you.


0 A on B in C to



Today, Americans watch more basketball (0) _________ television than any other sport. But it is popular in (1) __________ countries too. People often (2) __________ it ‘the international game’ because it is played in almost (3) __________ country of the world. But basketball is not an old sport like football, which people have played for centuries. People have only played basketball (4) ________ 1891.

The idea for basketball came from James Naismith, a Canadian teacher, who wanted his students to learn (5) __________ new kind of sport. Instead (6) ___________ the players kicking the ball (7) __________ they do in soccer, in Naismith’s new game, players threw or bounced the ball. Then, they had to get (8) __________ into a big bag or ‘basket’. The name that Naismith chose for this new sport was ‘basketball’.

  A B C
1 another both other
2 called call calling
3 every both some
4 before since until
5 a the one
6 at from of
7 if as for
8 it him them