вторник, 13 октября 2020 г.



reread  the end of the chapter :

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.


The boys ran to the beach. A steamboat was on the river about a mile away. The noise was from a big gun on the steamboat. There were lots of people on the steamboat. Many small boats were on the river too.


‘Somebody is dead,’ said Tom. ‘Somebody has drowned in the river.’

‘Yes, that’s right,’ said Huck. ‘They fire the gun over the water. Then the dead body comes to the top of the water. I remember! Bill Turner was drowned last year. They fired the gun then!’

‘Who has drowned this year?’ asked Joe.

Suddenly, Tom knew. ‘It’s us!’ he shouted. ‘We’re drowned!’

This was very exciting news. Tom, Huck and Joe were very pleased. People were looking for the boys’ bodies. They were important people now.

But in the evening, the boys were sad. They were very quiet.

At last, Joe spoke. ‘Let’s go home,’ he said quietly. ‘It’s boring here.’

‘Go home, then!’ said Tom angrily.

‘I’m going,’ said Joe.

He stood up.

‘We’re staying, aren’t we, Huck?’ said Tom.

Huck looked at Tom. ‘Oh, Tom,’ he said. ‘I want to go too. I’m bored too. Let’s all go.’

‘I won’t go,’ said Tom. ‘You two can go. I’m staying.’

Huck and Joe started to walk away.

Suddenly, Tom had a wonderful idea. ‘Wait! Wait!’ he shouted. ‘I want to tell you something.’

Joe and Huck ran back and Tom told them his idea.

Huck and Joe did not go home that evening.


The next day, the pirates went swimming again. They caught some fish and they climbed some trees. And they looked for buried treasure.

In the evening, they had a big meal of fish and meat. Then they fell asleep.




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