вторник, 9 марта 2021 г.

11.03.2021 (2200 debt for 3)


A. Read the passage.

First Aid Kit Vocabulary in English - ESLBuzz Learning English


First aid is the immediate care given to a person who is injured or suddenly becomes ill. When there is an emergency, minutes are very important, so first aid has a vital function. Immediate action is necessary when there is a lot of bleeding, when breathing has stopped for any reason, when there is poisoning, or irritating chemicals come in contact with the skin or get in the eyes.

People should be trained to care properly for injuries to themselves and others at home, at work, or in the community. Even a small injury can be very serious and cause death, so everyone should know first aid techniques.

When first aiders face an emergency, they must be able to keep calm and organize other people to do like them. He or she must know how to supply artificial respiration, control bleeding and protect injuries. Medical assistance has to be arranged. Knowing how to carry the victim without causing more injuries is very important.

In short, effective first aid depends on prevention, recognition and organization. In our country hundreds of people die in traffic accidents every year because most people don’t have first aid information. If more people were trained in first aid, the number of dead people would decrease. You may face an emergency anywhere. One day somebody from your family may be injured or suddenly become ill. In order not to be helpless in such a situation, you have to know first aid techniques.


a. Answer the questions.

1. What is the first aid?


2. In which situations is first aid necessary? Give two examples. _________________________________________

3. Why do hundreds of people die in Turkey every year?



b. Write True (T) or False (F).

1. Everybody shouldn’t know first aid techniques. (      )

2. Time is very important when there is an emergency. (      )

3. When first aiders face an emergency, they should be calm and organize other people. (       )

4. Traffic accidents cause a few people to die in Turkiye every year. (      )


C. Choose the correct answer.

1. You should _____________________ if you get sunburnt.

 A. take a hot shower    B. take a cold shower   C. call EMS


2. If you have a nosebleed, you shouldn’t ___________________.

A. lie down     B. sit upright     C. get medical care


3. If someone has been poisoned, he _______________________.

A. should have something to drink    B. shouldn’t sit upright    C. shouldn’t eat or drink anything


4. In case of electrical burns, if you aren’t sure the power source is off, you  ______________ near the victim.

A. shouldn’t go    B. should go    C. should faint




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